About our service

Staying overnight has saved my life, I really don’t think I would still be here if I hadn’t come to you. I had the best sleep of my life last night, and feel much more rested. Thank you for all of your encouraging words. I hadn’t heard of Nightlight before, and am grateful that I know about you now. You will be the first ones that I’ll call if I am ever in crisis again

Our Nightlight Crisis House provide a safe, homely and welcoming space for people who are feeling distressed and experiencing a crisis.

The Crisis House offer a safe haven for you to use if you are in crisis and want some time out or would like to talk through the issues that you are experiencing with someone who will listen, but not make judgements.

We create a warm, welcoming and homely environment which is somewhere for you to relax and feel safe, where you can use the facilities and know that skilled and experienced staff are on hand to listen to you and offer support and advice if needed. 

Overnight stays at our crisis house

Our Hemel Hempstead Crisis House has four bed spaces that can be used if an overnight stay would help you to resolve your crisis. The beds are available (depending on capacity) seven days a week, 365 days a year.

These beds are available for all Hertfordshire residents. In some circumstances overnight stays may be discussed and agreed with the Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Team. All overnight stays are reviewed on a daily basis, however, in most cases we envisage individuals will stay up to 3 nights. This is assessed and agreed on an individual basis.

The Crisis House has an accessible bedroom and bathroom on the ground floor.

How can we help?

We won’t make assumptions or judgements about what will work best for you, but will provide you with choices about how you would like to use your time in the Crisis House, such as:

The Hemel Hempstead Crisis House
The lounge in the Hemel Hempstead Crisis House
The reception area in the Hemel Hempstead Crisis House
The kitchen in the Hemel Hempstead Crisis House
  • A safe space in a welcoming environment
  • Time and space to talk with staff and peers
  • 1:1 staff support (practical and emotional)
  • Support with crisis resolution and building coping strategies
  • Space to pursue individual activities (reading, journaling, art, watching the TV etc)
  • Advice and information
  • Signposting
  • Onward referrals when required

Where appropriate we can support you with accessing other services and resources that may be helpful to you in relation to your longer-term support needs. 

Thank you so much for giving me a chance. I don’t know if I would be here without your help… I woke up and felt so safe here, thank you.

How to refer

Any agency or any person can refer an individual who is 18+ and is experiencing any kind of mental health crisis and lives in Hertfordshire or is registered with a GP in Hertfordshire. We understand a ‘crisis’ to be self-determined, and is based on an individual’s experience of their situation.

To make a self-referral you can call the service from 7pm seven days a week to talk to a member of the team. From there, we will explain the process to you so that you understand how the crisis house works and what we can offer.

Professionals can refer individuals at any time, seven days a week, by calling 01923 256391 Option 3, to speak to a member of the team.

There might be times where we do not have capacity for you to stay with us. In these cases, we will offer a time-limited visit, and/or telephone support instead.

Contact us

To contact us please call us on 01923 256391.

If you are a professional, please call us on 01923 256391 (Option 3).

To contact the team directly with any queries please email [email protected]

Emails are checked by staff at the beginning of each and every shift.