About the service

Our countywide crisis services provide a warm welcome to our callers and visitors.

We offer emotional support, advice and information if you are feeling distressed and are in crisis.

A lifeline when no-one else is there

Our Nightlight Crisis Helpline team is here for you from 7pm to 1am, every day of the year. 

Our Nightlight Crisis Cafes* at Watford and Stevenage are open from 7pm to 1am every evening, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Our Crisis Cafe in Ware is open 7pm to 1am on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. 

Our Nightlight Crisis House (crisis beds)* is in Hemel Hempstead and has four bed spaces that can be used if an overnight stay would help you to resolve your crisis. The beds are available (depending on capacity) seven days a week, 365 days a year.

A place that saved my life, quite literally

* Please note that face to face visits and overnight stays are currently operating by appointment only, and accessed through the helpline, from 7pm. For referrals and voicemails left outside of operational hours please see further information on our Crisis Helpline page.

If you want to speak to us on the phone, or if you would like to come in and see us, simply give us a call on any day of the week at any time between 7pm and 1am on 01923 256391

To contact the team directly with any queries please email [email protected]

Emails are checked by staff at the beginning of each and every shift.

Referral information

Professionals can also refer to our Crisis Team to support an individual for:

  • Facilitate referrals into crisis support through Nightlight
  • Offer ongoing support, for up to 4 weeks, to prevent mental health crises.
  • Support individuals to engage with wider community services
  • Liaison between teams involved in an individual’s support plan

To access this, please speak to our team on 01923 256391 (Option 3) between 9-5 Monday – Friday.

Out of area information (link back to main ICS website)